Vishniac (2023)


Location: DeBartolo Performing Arts Center

A in a period piece holding an old camera

Unveiling the man behind the lens, this exquisite photobiography honors a renowned Russian-American polymath, immortalized by haunting photos of 20th-century Eastern European Jewry. From vibrant Berlin streets to simple shtetl life, Roman Vishniac's (Philipp Mogilnitskiy) pre-war black-and-white images capture the 1930s with grainy realism, a poignant pictorial record of soon-to-be-obliterated Jewish communities. Also a scientist, teacher, and art aficionado, he significantly advanced biology and microscopic photography. Mirroring his enigmatic persona, daughter Mara (Lily Vaknin), the custodian of his work, candidly relates their fraught yet devoted history. Iconic photos and cinematic reenactments emphasize the profound significance of historical memory and Vishniac's contributions as a preserver of the past.