The Monkey House (2023)


Location: DeBartolo Performing Arts Center

A man and a woman in a library

Set in the 1980s, this epic tale revolves around Amitay (Adir Miller), a struggling writer living near a monkey park from which the movie gets its name. Envious of his more celebrated colleagues and yearning for Tamar (Shani Cohen), his childhood love now widowed, Amitay conceives a plan to revive his literary reputation. To orchestrate this comeback, he must find a young and ambitious researcher, or at least someone capable of pretending to be one. Enter Margo (Suzanna Papian), a failed actress residing at her sister's home, who eagerly seizes this mysterious job opportunity. So begins the unlikely meeting of a desperate author and an eccentric young woman, a fateful encounter destined to change both of their lives.