Art + Spirit


Location: Raclin Murphy Museum of Art (Meet at Welcome Desk)

113023 Raclinmurphymuseumofart Opening 0381

Art + Spirit Series

This interactive series will explore major aspects of how one might think about art as “spiritual” through the lens of the Raclin Murphy Museum of Art’s collection. The series will be divided into four horizons of inquiry: “Spirit + the Viewer,” “Spirit + Artist,” “Spirit + Religious Subject,” and “Spirit + Religious Object.” Come for one or all of these sixty-minute guided conversations to look, learn, reflect, and discuss the various ways that the spiritual aspects of art elevate both our thinking about the works themselves and our own personal encounters with them. In each session, we will discuss one to three works that help us to think through one of the four possible topics listed above. Our inquiry will explore works of art across time, culture, and religious traditions. All are welcome.

“Spirit + the Viewer”:
This session investigates the relationship between the viewer (you!) and the work of art. The primary goal of this session will be to establish the idea that all works of art have the potential to touch the viewer based on our shared humanity.

“Spirit + the Artist”:
In this session, we will explore the degree to which the artists’ particular spirituality influences their work and how viewers interpret their work.

“Spirit + the Religious Subject”:
This session will give us the opportunity to talk through works that are overtly religious in subject. We will explore various ways of depicting beliefs from Western and non-Western religious traditions.

“Spirit + the Religious Object”:
In this session, we will take a close look at objects used for worship in various spiritual and religious contexts. Our discussion will allow us the space to not only learn more about sacred objects such as African power figures or illuminated manuscripts, but also to analyze the function of sacred objects in a museum setting.

Spirit + the Viewer:
Jan. 25, 2024
Mar. 21, 2024

Jan. 27, 2024
Mar. 23, 2024


Spirit + the Artist:
Feb. 1, 2024
Apr. 11, 2024

Feb. 3, 2024
Apr. 13, 2024


Spirit + the Religious Subject:
Feb. 29, 2024
Apr. 25, 2024

Mar. 2, 2024


Spirit + the Religious Object:
Mar. 7, 2024

Mar. 9, 2024
Apr. 27, 2024

Originally published at