Side-by-Side Saturday: Creative Creatures


Location: Raclin Murphy Museum of Art (View on map )

120223 Raclinmurphymuseumofart Opening 2415 Sarah Martin

$10 per pair (adult + child) for non-members / free for members

Connect with a little person in your life while discovering new works of art and creating together. For this Side-by-Side Saturday, we’ll be exploring the wild side of the Museum by getting to know some of the many animals that call the Raclin Murphy home! Join us and create a lasting memory with a little person in your life!

Register here.

Become a Friend of the Raclin Museum of Art, and your registration is free! Learn more about becoming a member here.

*This program is for a child aged 4-8 and an important adult in their life. Registration is limited to eight adult + child pairs.

Originally published at