Art & Impact: The Bergamot + State of the Unity


Location: Leighton Concert Hall, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center (View on map )

State of Unity poster

In a time when society is deeply frayed by division and political discourse, the band The Bergamot (South Bend natives) will present their film State of the Unity and full-band concert at the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center, reminding Americans that the power of art can help heal our broken county. Join Directors Nathaniel Paul Hoff and Jillian Speece in this groundbreaking evening of film, music and a live town-hall discussion focused on the role of art in healing our divided country. Be a part of this innovative presentation of film and music that took The Bergamot eight years to create.

In the last year, State of the Unity was presented at 38 film festivals (nationally and internationally) and won 20 prestigious awards including the Grand Jury Award and Best Feature Documentary at the prestigious Las Cruces International Film Festival. State of the Unity received a Northern America distribution deal with Freestyle Digital Media, a division of Allen Media Group in Los Angeles. Recently this film was featured in Variety, LA Times, DocNYC and Todays Catholic. You can follow the journey at and as well as on Instagram @thebergamot and Facebook @TheBergamot


Get Tickets 

Faculty, staff, & student pricing

Reccommended for ages 8 and up. 

Smoke, fog, haze, and/or strobes will be used.